

Welcome Old and New Friends: The Start of Our Autumn Term!

September 13, 2024
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Hello, nursery families—both familiar and new! We are so excited to welcome you all to the start of our autumn term. This season, we’ll be focusing on a very special theme: Ourselves and Getting to Know You. It’s the perfect way to help everyone settle in, make new friends, and celebrate what makes each of us unique.

For our returning friends, welcome back! We can't wait to hear all about your summer adventures and see how much you've grown. For those joining us for the first time, we're thrilled to have you! This is the beginning of an exciting journey, and we can’t wait to get to know you better.

As always, our priority is to make sure every child feels welcome, safe, and excited to learn. We believe that getting to know each other deeply helps to create a supportive and joyful nursery environment.

What a wonderful first week it has been! The children have settled beautifully into their new routine, and it’s been such a joy to see them exploring their new environment with excitement and curiosity. From the moment they arrived, they have embraced each day with smiles, laughter, and lots of energy.

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