This is our School Council Logo and what it means to us…

The hands show that everybody has an idea to share and we are always ready to listen and talk about them.
Chair Person – The Year 6 children alternate with this post
- I run meetings.
- I help decide what we discuss.
- I make sure we stick to the subject.
- I make sure everyone has a chance to speak.
- I take the votes on any decisions.
- I talk to any adults that the council says I need to speak with.
Vice Chair Person – The Year 6 children alternate with this post
- I help the Chair person run the meetings.
- I cover for the Chair person when they are away.
- I help the younger members to write any notes.
- I count up any votes.
Minute Taker – The Year 6 children alternate with this post
- I take the notes of the meetings.
- I give out any messages and take notes to the classes.
- I help the younger children to write their class notes.
School Council Actions
2023 / 24 - At the beginning of the year our School Councilors set out the key areas that they wanted to change and improve this year:
- Consider how to improve the experience at lunchtimes, thinking about menus and the Lunch Hall.
- Consider how to develop the Memorable Experiences and Special Events at Holbeach throughout the year.