Home Learning
Parents are encouraged to read with their children every day and books are regularly taken home. In addition to this, teachers set a weekly home learning task for the children to complete. This can be accessed via your child’s Class Blog on the school website. Home learning tasks are set on a Thursday and submitted (where appropriate) the following Monday. Key Stage 2 children are given a home learning book to complete tasks in.

At Holbeach, we also have some fantastic online resources that are available to use at home. Your child has logins for all these programs, which will support their learning.
Click on the Program you wish to open
Make learning Times Tables fun. Times Table Rock Stars allows children to create a rock star character, practise their times tables and the corresponding division facts and ‘buy’ things for their rock star.
Since the success of Times Tables Rockstars in encouraging children to master times table and division fact instant recall, we would like their skills with mental addition and subtraction to be just as good. NumBots will help! All children start at the same place in Story mode, and when they get to a certain stage they will unlock Challenge mode.
** To use NumBots just use your Rockstars Username and Password to login **
My Maths develops pupils’ confidence and fluency in Maths through fun activities. There are hundreds of lessons and self-marking homework tasks, worksheets, and games.
Bug Club is the only whole-school reading programme that brilliantly combines an online reading world with fantastic print books, and assessment tools. All children at Holbeach have an account for this fantastic online reading resource.
LGfL – London Grid for Learning

Everyone at Holbeach has access to the ‘London Grid for Learning.’ The London Grid for Learning is a community of schools and local authorities committed to using technology to enhance teaching and Learning.
One unique aspect of the LGfL service is the huge array of teaching and learning resources included, all of which can also be used at home by pupils using their LGfL login.
Click here to access the fantastic learning resources available
Click here to access LGfL mail
To login to LGfL use your Teams login, but instead of @holbeach.lewisham.sch.uk it is @lgfl.net and the password is the same, however no need for the hashtags (#)

The BBC have got lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you keep on track when learning at home. Pick your year and subject to get started!
Click here to access BBC Bitesize – Daily Lessons
Bitesize has plenty of straightforward lessons in Primary Maths and Primary English. The BBC are supporting learning at home with collections of educational resources including quizzes, videos and activities hand-picked from BBC Bitesize and the wider BBC, for other subjects such as Science, History and Geography.
The curriculum-based content is developed by educational consultants and is organised by topic or theme to make it easy for you to find.
Click here for a guide to how BBC Bitesize can help you learn on TV and online
Remote Learning
Holbeach Primary School is committed to providing continuity of education for all its pupils in the event of a partial or whole school closure. While such situations are inevitably highly varied in their causes and ramifications, we will endeavour to provide continued learning for our students during any period of closure.
When a Class would switch to Remote Learning:
• An extended period of school closure
• Pupils unable to attend school due to the fact that they are self-isolating because they or a family member has a confirmed case of Coronavirus
When an individual would receive Remote Learning:
If the vast majority school remains open and working as normal, but an individual student is unable to attend lessons as normal for a period of between 3 and 10 school days but is otherwise well and able to work (e.g. a period of advised self-isolation or an absence that has been authorised by the school in advance) the school will provide:
- An English task for each day of the absence
- A Maths task for each day of the absence
- A research project with a range of tasks to choose from each day
These tasks will be shared with parents in hardcopy paper format which will either be collected by one parent/carer or delivered to the family home by a member of staff.
Our Remote Learning policy does not apply in situations such as:
- A student who is unable to attend school due to being unwell.
- A student who absents themselves from school without prior authorisation from the school, with or without parental permission, e.g. a family holiday taken in term time.
Please look through the agreements for Remote Learning below.
In the event of a partial or whole school closure the children will be taught via Microsoft Teams. It allows your child to complete work and see work set by their teachers. Click here to download ‘Teams’