What is Pupil Premium and How Do I Apply?
Did you know that you could be eligible to receive free school lunches for your child? This could be a saving of more than £40 a month per child and the school would also receive more than £1300 to enhance your child’s education.
This initiative, which is known as Pupil Premium, is currently under used by families at Holbeach. Research shows that approximately 40% of families at Holbeach could be eligible. However only 20% have taken advantage of this opportunity.

What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools in England to raise the attainment of pupils of all abilities, whose families are in receipt of benefits, and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
Why apply?
As well as providing a free hot lunch for your child (worth more than £40 a month) those who qualify for Pupil Premium can also benefit from:
• Free attendance to Extra-Curricular clubs.
• The opportunity for 1:1 Maths tuition in Year 5 & 6
• Contributions towards the cost of Educational Visits and School Journeys
By using the Pupil Premium funding wisely, Holbeach has ensured that -
“The differences are diminishing between disadvantaged pupils, including the most able, and their peers. In some year groups, they are outperforming other pupils.”
OFSTED June 2017.

Who is eligible?
You are eligible to apply for Pupil Premium if you receive:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’
How do I apply?
Registering is really quick and easy – you can check your eligibilty online here and get an immediate answer.
If you application is successful, please complete our school form and return to the school office.
If you have any problems with applying for this support, please contact the school office for support by calling 020-8690-4713 or come and talk to Miss Felton in the playground.
Pupil Premium – Reporting to Parents and Carers
Background Information
The Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding, in addition to main school funding, which schools receive according to the number of children in specific groups.
Schools receive Pupil Premium funding for:
- All children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM).
- All children who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years.
- All children in service families.
- All children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months by someone other than their immediate family.

What are our key strategies to close the attainment and progress gaps for FSM and Pupil Premium Pupils at Holbeach?
Our belief and research evidence (from The Sutton Trust, John Hattie, Michael Barber etc.) shows that, the quality of teaching and learning is the most important factor in the achievement of all pupils. This is particularly true for pupils from less affluent backgrounds. This remains a consistent and relentless focus of the school and it is the focus of our staff training and support from the senior leadership team.
Often parents are concerned that there is a stigma attached to being seen as a ‘low income’ family. At Holbeach all matters regarding free school meals and pupil premium are treated confidentially. There is never an assumption that the children from these families will be less able. On the contrary, we believe that everyone can succeed. We work with our families and colleagues to make sure everyone involved with the child has high aspirations.
The introduction of Universal Free School meals is impacting negatively on our Pupil Premium funding. In order to access the Pupil Premium grant for their families, parents need to disclose their children’s FSM status. Many are reluctant to do so. This needs to be actively addressed.

In addition to our focus on Quality First Teaching for all children, additional targeted intervention and support strategies are deployed to make sure all children fulfil their potential, including:
- Rigorous tracking of all pupils across the school on a termly basis.
- All underperforming FSM / PP pupils are named on class provision maps.
- A rich, exciting and engaging curriculum offer for all.
- School focus on maths, particularly times tables, spelling and grammar.