It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events during normal school hours (with some exceptions such as Residential School Journey). We ask children to take pride in their personal appearance and to wear their uniform in a neat and tidy way.
Uniform with the school’s logo can be bought from Bailwood Fashions Ltd, however, acceptable alternatives are easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets. It is not compulsory to wear the school logo but please be aware that ‘hoodies’ are not acceptable uniform, nor are jumpers or trousers with other logos or written messages.
School uniform is compulsory and should consist of the following items:
- A plain white polo shirt (with or without the school logo) or a plain white blouse/shirt.
- A plain navy sweatshirt (with or without the school logo).
- Plain black or grey trousers or black or grey jogging bottoms.
- Plain navy, black or grey skirt/pinafore dress.
- Light or dark blue/white check summer dress.
- Footwear should be plain (black where possible) and should not be open-toed.
- Black, grey, white or navy socks or tights.
PE kit at Holbeach
- A short sleeved white t-shirt
- Plain black, grey or navy-blue tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE
- Plain black, grey or navy-blue shorts for Indoor PE (or in warmer weather)
- Trainers or plimsolls
- Children should wear their school sweatshirt on top of their PE kit in cold weather.
Please note that, for health and safety reasons, we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are earring studs in pierced ears, and small objects of religious significance. Children are required to remove any items during PE lessons to prevent them from causing injury. If a pupil comes to school in jewellery they will be asked to remove the jewellery and it will be stored somewhere safe before being returned to the pupils parent/carer.
Similarly, for health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear shoes with open toes, platform soles or high heels. If inappropriate footwear is worn children may be asked to change into their PE shoes whilst inside the school building.
All clothing should be marked clearly with your child’s name.
Our supplier of school uniform and book bags is:
Bailwood Fashions Ltd,
246 Lewisham High Street
SE13 6JU
Tel: 0208 8528727

Opening Times:
Monday – Saturday: 9am – 5:30pm
Sunday: 10am – 5pm